It is our desire at Abundant Life Chiropractic to serve your entire family.  We strive to provide a welcoming, family-friendly atmosphere.

Dr. Mike                                            

As with many people, I was introduced to chiropractic care seeking relief from pain--in my case, a high school sports injury.  Though I experienced great results in both pain relief and injury recovery from the chiropractic adjustments; those results were not the primary reason I chose to seek chiropractic as a profession.  At the time of my injury I had planned to pursue a career in computer science.  Health care had never been of much interest to me.

What changed my mind was learning the truth about chiropractic care.

Growing up, I had always viewed chiropractors as just another type of doctor, taking care of sick/injured people.  Through my own experience, however, I learned that the fundamental purpose of chiropractic care was to simply ensure that the body worked the way that it was originally designed to function.

This revelation that chiropractic care was not limited to the sick/injured, is what drew my interest.

Upon further study, I learned how chiropractors use a variety of techniques to work with the body to improve overall health and function of the nervous system.  I also came to understand that improved nervous system function allows one’s body to begin working at a higher, more efficient level.  So even when there are no outward symptoms of discomfort/dysfunction, a chiropractic evaluation is able to expose subtle abnormalities within the nervous system that are hindering optimal health and performance.  Through chiropractic care, correction and prevention of these abnormalities allows one’s body to reach more optimal states of health and function.  The good news for those who are experiencing symptoms is that improving overall nervous system function allows for better opportunity for healing and recovery.

Once I realized that chiropractic care was not limited to treating various symptomatic conditions, but instead intended to promote optimal function of the body as a whole, I refocused my personal goals toward a career in the field of chiropractic; ultimately graduating with honors from Life University in 2009 with my Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree.

My desire is that, through the power of chiropractic care, I am able to improve the lives of those in my community; not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and socially.  To be truly healthy, all aspects of life must be considered--not merely one's physical state.

I look forward to meeting you soon and helping you move toward a more abundant life.

Melody (Office Manager)

I’m here because I enjoy working with people, and I love to see how lives are changed through chiropractic care.

I first experienced chiropractic myself in 2003 while living in Iowa.  I had recently acquired a staff position in the main clinic at Palmer College of Chiropractic and was under the impression that chiropractic care was for two things: back pain and neck pain.  Though I suffered from neither of these conditions, I still wanted to experience the adjustments for myself so that I would better understand the care that was being provided to our clients.  It was then that I realized how much more there was to chiropractic than I had imagined!

After consistent care for about one month, I began to regain my sense of smell—something I had lost four years prior after being rear-ended in a auto accident.  Let me tell you, food tastes AMAZING when your sense of smell is intact!  Other things in my life began to improve as well; for example, I no longer needed blood pressure medication that I had been on since college.  It was during my time at Palmer that I came to understand that chiropractic’s main concern was not pain, but function.

Chiropractic care has changed my life!

Shortly after regaining my sense of smell, Dr. Mike and I were married.  I continued to work in both Chiropractic Universities and Chiropractic offices while he completed his degree.  Our first son, Logan, was born just two months before Dr. Mike graduated.  We have since had another son, Caleb, and a daughter, Jana (aka Peanut).  When you come to our office, you’ll likely meet us all.


Logan enjoys learning and LOVES to take things apart—in order to see how they work, of course!  When he's around, you’ll likely hear rather life-like sound effects as he plays...or he may try to educate you on how to build the newest machines (at least as he understands them).  He also enjoys drawing and music.

Logan was only 15 minutes old when he received his first adjustment!


Caleb lives to make people smile!  This little guy says he’d like to become an astronaut and strives to excel in mathematics and science to ensure he can make it to space.  He’s not shy on the physical side of the astronaut criteria either—he ran (yes RAN) an entire 5k at just four years old.

Caleb was about 2 hours old for his first adjustment (but only because Dr. Mike missed the birth)!

Jana (a.k.a. Peanut)

Jana does everything she can to keep up with her brothers.  She loves singing and coloring.  If you don’t see her much during your visit, it’s because she’s uncommonly exhibiting her shy side that day.

Jana was a mere 5 minutes old when first adjusted!